Agricultural & Agrochemical


When counterfeits enter the agriculture sector, they directly land on our plates (literally!)

Counterfeiting agro products and packaging is a booming industry worldwide. Counterfeiters utilize an assortment of tactics and strategies to do so.
  • Dumping used, recycled, diluted, cheap, or generic products in old containers which don’t satisfy the indicated brand characteristics & quality, and even might contain untested impurities or non-approved substances and materials.
  • Selling fraudulent goods in counterfeit packaging made to look like genuine products

Counterfeits or spurious agricultural material harms brands and consumers alike
  • Endangers farmers and their crops, indirectly contributing to food inflation, farmer suicides, and more.
  • Swaths of agricultural lands might be rendered barren or useless due to the over-exposure to unknown or banned materials/chemicals found in the counterfeits.
  • Irreversible environmental hazards such as the contamination of the groundwater, soil, beneficial microorganisms, air, and so on.
  • Unknown and untested residues can enter the food chain eliciting harmful health effects
  • In the long run, it can also affect the agriculture sector’s ability to provide safe and healthy food in sufficient quantities
  • Drain a large portion of revenue from legitimate stakeholders
  • Reduction in exports, thus harmful to the overall economy
  • A frequent supply of counterfeited goods erodes consumer’s trust in the brand quality
  • Harms the overall name and reputation of the brand
The growth in population and subsequent rise in demand for crop yields will result in a massive surge in both the agricultural and the agrochemicals industries. Such favorable forecasts make agriculture and agrochemicals a prime target for counterfeiters, who stand to gain by selling tampered, diluted, and fake seeds, pesticides, and more. So far, a combination of Hologram, QR Codes, and Agrochemical Serialization has been used to fight counterfeiters, but to no avail and effective zero security. These solutions are easily replicable, susceptible to tampering, and even require special scanning equipment. On the other hand, Checko is a 100% copy-proof and tamper-proof solution that ensures lasting protection for your products and even contributes to the enhancement of your brand's image, customer engagement, and marketing analytics. Read how Checko benefited 4 million farmers and our client, a leading supplier of seeds and pesticides in the country.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us

+91 76074 29871

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